“want to buy this game or not?”
“what game you got?”
“onimusha 3, ma. new one”
“good aa?”
“can kill thousand people one. good la…”
that was last february. it has excellent gameplay. true to his words, the feeling one gets from killing thousand people one was exhilirating. pity the whole thing was in japanese, including the text. as expected i didn’t get very far due to language constraints! the good news is next week, capcom’s english language version of the oni’s blood-drenched exploits will be released on british shores. can’t wait.
so i had to make do with onimusha 2, which i bought second hand from game. what i didn’t count on was its addictive nature. the storyline was pretty basic. a warrior called jubei of the yagyu clan returns to his village to find it destroyed by the warrior-turned-demon, nobunaga oda. so, all i needed to do was go on a killing spree (demons, of course) whilst building up my skills, weapons (including upgrades) and solving occasional puzzles along the way. for all you role-playing gamers, this is usual fare. however, unlike the final fantasy series, onimusha is pretty much a no-brainer. its the square button all the way (including the occasional triangle and R1’s). yeah!
after about 12 hours of gameplay, i finished the game this afternoon. if it wasn’t for the fact i was given the option of changing the game mode to easy after completing about 75% of the game, i would never have felt like going all gung-ho, slashing up the difficult (not any more) bosses including the head honcho, nobunaga himself, to call it a day. even the final manifestation of nobunaga was pretty much laughable. kicked his golden ass real good. can’t wait for the sequel.

i still have final fantasy x-2 to deal with (in between exam revision… huhuhu).
do you ps2?
You guys are ALL the same, aren’t you? No matter how old you are. All married to your PS2s/XBox/entahapekemendanya at one point or another. 😛
Yeah, I second that! Kudo got married to his last year, kan Kudo? The only thing i enjoy playing on PS2 is Crash Bandicoot. Oh, and the dancing dancing thing. =D
But I guess that’s what makes it ineteresting, yo! I mean, same thing as ‘Why the hell do you need your 54th pair of shoes, woman? I didn’t marry a caterpillar, did I?’ But those subtle differences lah… I find it the coolest thing about male-female relationship.
And I just hate people who say things like, ‘That’s a really sexist remark’ because the fact is, so what if a woman NEEDS 54 pair of shoes? It’s not like we love them less, right? Nothing wrong about that.
Yeah, that’s true..
Plus, we DO need 54 pairs of shoes.
Ash and I are the same then.. the only thing I play on PS2 is Crash Bandicoot (my bros call it ‘game pompuan’ anyways.. now THAT is a sexist remark 😛 *lol*)
And thumbs-up to THE Neon for accepting that women DO need 54 pairs of shoes (and a suitable number of matching handbags to boot) whilst not needing to understand the whys and wherefore-s. 😉
once Neon got epileptic attack after non-stop gaming session! the 1st ever to happen in Msia.
this was about 12 years ago… right Neon?
so Neon brace himself with anythg called vid-game anymore…
p/s: im on SIlent Hill 2 now (i know, i know… i am a bit slow!!!), in fact im seeking thru the walkthrough right now!
i’m now being forced to play DDR-MAX… dayumne… :o)
“stay cool!” hehe
By the way Kudo, how’s your exam revision?
Just finished Medal of Honor: Rising Sun myself… felt like shooting Nips after watching Windtalkers, so after much procrastinating, finally completed it! (No cheat, mind you… so proud of myself)
saya ada cheat sikit pakai gameFAQ. hehe.. tetapi masih mak kar!
But yeah la… Bandicoot is such a girly game. (HoHoHoHohohoHOho)
And to all you ‘gamers’ out there, when you get an epiliptic fit sampai unconcious for 3 days because of video games, then we talk, eh? As for now, keep on practising lah!
For real, Neon? Whoa…. overload dude!!!
Bandicoot is CUTE okay. If it’s such a girly game then why did my friends (all guys) enjoy playing the game? Or maybe *that* says something about them. Hmmm…
hehehe.. good one ash
okay. silap grammar sikit, but you know what i mean. hehe..