a second entry on goodbyes in a week. today’s my last day at the royal infirmary. it’s back to the hallamshire in sheffield as of next week. the head of department organised a little presentation (for which i brought in some donuts and choc cakes) where i got some parting gifts from the medical and laboratory staff. i got a lovely picture frame (they saw my framed photos on my office desk), a black neck tie (to wear for any upcoming HM coroner’s inquests!) and a desk clock (so that i will always be in time for future surgical cut-up sessions. yeah, yeah.). yes, the lab is a cheerful bunch and i’d kill to come back here for a consultant post. very cheerful that it makes you want to stay late at work (and i ain’t a sad git). in fact, just look at how happy we all look!

Shiny (pathological) happy people!

how many workplaces you know can do that to an individual? and tonight they’ve organised for us to go bowling. i will miss this place. immensely. hey-ho.