I was told by many that the magazine template for 無秩序の胃 is somewhat confusing. I think it’s not really the case and the template is such which allows a much neater layout. There are many opportunities for you to pick and choose any topics that have been written over the years, which will be shown to you shortly.
Below is the main page in its entirety:
In the leftmost column:
LATEST POST: This simply means, as it says on the box, the latest blog post. Click on ‘Continue reading’ and you’ll be taken to the post in its entirety.
FEATURED POST: This is a post from the archives that I would have chosen for certain reasons. It may be related to a recent event or the current post, or simply anything I’d find worthy of labelling it as a featured post. On rare occasions when I feel I’ve written something more gedegang!, it’ll be made a featured post too. Click on the title or the thumbnailed image, and you’ll be brought to the post in its entirety.
SNIPPETS: These are mini-posts that are somewhat longer than tweets or Facebook statuses. For most of them, there are photos. Whilst the snippets show the text of the post in its entirety on the main blog page, click on the green # to see the post in its entirety complete with the intended photo.
In the middle column, you’ll find:
RECENT POSTS: This is a list of the last five posts preceding the latest post on 無秩序の胃. Click on the title or the thumbnailed image, and you’ll be brought to the post in its entirety.
MOVING PICS: You don’t need an explanation for this, do you?
And, finally, the rightmost column:
CATEGORIES: All posts are categorised according to those listed. Obviously, if you want to read a gig review, you click on Gigs under Music, and you’ll be brought to a page listing all posts categorised as such.
Click on the title of your choice to read the post in its entirety.
Reading or writing comments is pretty obvious from the links in green by the title of a blog posting. If you want to read the most recent comments in the blog, these are listed under, wait for it, RECENT COMMENTS which is the last item in the rightmost column.
The top righthand corner of the blog contains a few icons and a search box, like so:
The three most useful bits for you here are:
1. The search box – enter any key word or phrase then click on Cari, and you’ll be brought to a list of posts containing the said key word or phrase.
2. The archives – click on Arkib which brings you to the full archival list of 無秩序の胃, by categories and by dates. For those who love the old fashioned way of scroll down blog lists, you’ll like this.
3. The home button – yeah, the green icon with a house in it. Click on the ホ-ム (ho-mu), next to it, you’ll be transported back to the main page.
The other icons here are:
1. ABOUT – brings you to a page with a short intro about yours truly, and the ever-expanding gig list. Complete with links to the reviews.
2. PHOTOS – a link to my flickr.com page.
3. SUSCRIBE – click here to suscribe to the blog’s RSS feed.
You can email or print a blog post, if you find any reason to do so :P.
Click on the obvious bits.
Hopefully, this how-to guide is of some help. Enjoy your read!