this is an actual 1978 mistress (just see the marks, man). i’ve tried the neon’s mistress last year and like it, the flange was superbly natural and warm. tweaking the rate up gave me a sweet yet mild tremolo effect (can’t wait to get my hands on my new voodoo labs tremolo box i bought from lmsn). bringing the range and rate down a little the mistress gave a luscious chorus. further tweaking of the chorus gave me a tone reminiscent of nirvana’s come as you are (so, no need to get a small clone. for now. hahaha.). bringing the color up and appropriately changing the rate gave me the classic jet engine sound. wings’ taming sari anyone? *ini kisahhh… keris taming sariii….*


so, are the days which see me dealing with eBay numbered?

fat chance, especially when it comes to getting that amp (unless i find it in a shop first). to quote jimi:

here i come, baby… i’m comin’ ta GITCHA!!!

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