been a little too busy to write anything this last week (apart from tweaking the html codes a lil’ bit) as i was on a cervical cytology conversion course. pathology labs nationwide are undergoing a major change in the preparation of what was called in the old money, pap smears. we don’t smear now.Not available at the nearest Ann Summers. the clinician/nurse will use a special brush, twirl it around the cervix and dip it in fixative. even the processing method differs.

i’m sure all you ladies know what a pap smear is. the guys, on the other hand, may not. well, this is something that your girlfriend/wife gets done every now and then to check if she has an increased risk of getting cervical cancer (this is a screening test, and not a diagnostic one – there is a difference). the cells sampled by the brush are then examined for abnormalities. if abnormalities are present on microscopy, she would then be referred to a gynaecologist for an examination called colposcopy. if the abnormality can be seen on naked eye examination, a further brushed sample and a little piece of the cervix is taken (a biopsy). if the presence of abnormal cells are again noted under a microscope, a larger piece of the cervix may need to be resected at a later time, depending on the severity of the cellular abnormality.

What I have to look at.

why do these cells get abnormal? because of sex, simplistically speaking. a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPV for short) is the culprit and it is sexually-transmitted. see what happens when the cervix comes into close proximity with the glans penis?

so, what’s the fuss? HPV infection (the high-risk subtypes) potentially causes the cells of the cervix to transform into pre-cancer cells and ultimately cancer. the risk is increased with unprotected intercourse or multiple partners.

who carries the bug? both sexes, i’m afraid. an uninfected man can get it from an infected woman, only to infect another woman (in the case of seks rambang).

well, there you have it. so, guys, remember. double bag it at all times if you are in the mood.

this has been a valentine’s day public service announcement.