i’m pissed off. to be exact, i’m fucking pissed off.

i have just returned from the post mortem suite where i did an autopsy on a young chap who was killed in a road traffic accident. in my line of work, i do not get my emotions involved. but, at this very moment i’ve never felt so fucking subdued.


the accident occurred on a stretch of road that i drive on every fucking day. he had just dropped his girlfriend at work. little did both of them know that was to be their last conversation of their lives. ever.

why do these things happen is beyond me. i shall not doubt the powers above. Allah giveth and Allah also taketh away. but it is so unfair.

what pissed me off more was i have very dear friends of the same age as his. i am not saying older people deserve to die because of their age (we’ll leave the discussion about ageism another time).

that body lying on the table waiting to be eviscerated could have been mine.

our bodies are so fucking fragile. take good fucking care of it. if not for the sake of others who love you, do it for yourselves.