20 years ago – 1985

i was a third former in an all-boys boarding school in seremban. this was the time when you self proclaim that you are a senior among the puny juniors. this was also the year when i escaped a major thrashing by a bunch of fifth formers from a dorm in a neighbouring house. i can’t for the life of me remember what the root of the problem was. and for some reason we knew that something was brewing that would possibly lead to the entire dorm being summoned by these pailangs. a mate of mine and i quickly filled in a borang balik kampung. we weren’t taking any chances, even though the rest of the guys in the dorm felt nothing was gonna happen. come the following sunday evening, i got back from KL to see one of my dorm-mates with a face as large as house. what followed after that was a dismissal of the pailangs. a massive one too, i think that fifth form dorm lost like 25% of its population. permanently. preserving a code of honour among one’s schoolmates, regardless? not this time.

10 years ago – 1995

hidup grunge. hidup alt-rock and anything of its ilk. vitalogy came out. got the CD but i still had no ongkos for a CD player. this was the final leg of a half-decade of not having a life, aka medical school. group revision sessions which involved buckets of KFC (*lalalala*) and apple pie. which probably explains why nothing in this year really stick out in my mind. and as luck would have it, i got that pretty piece of paper with the four letters that fitted nicely behind my name. my folks came over for like two weeks and a bit for the grand day.

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