As a work in progress, this house’s is somewhat slow. As I joked with my neighbour last night, if I had a wife, she’d probably kicked my ass into gear and the house would be fully sorted now.

The last piece required for my media-cum-guest room (aka buangruang 2) was the television. The initial plan was to have the household telly in this room leaving the lounge TV-less. Some of my friends did say that the point of convergence for people visiting the place will be the media room leaving the lounge unused which doesn’t seem like a good idea. The idealistic thought of a lounge being used as a setting purely comprising conversations with friends/guests was out of the window and I bought a 32″ LCD pretty much soon after moving in three years ago (time moves fast!).

After much deliberation, I’ve decided on the media room telly. I’ve set my mind on the size for a long time already. I chose to get it after Chrimbo for obvious reasons, as well as trying to beat the new VAT deadline of 4th Jan. Hence, on New Year’s Day, the media room underwent a little change in which the hi-fi separates were moved onto the CD cabinet. I wished I had thought of that earlier as the speaker cables were long enough. The ol’ trusty 14″ CRT Sharp (I still keep this historic piece of 20th century technology for sentimental value) and the DVD player went back to their respective boxes in the attic.

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