I still love films but since Noruwei no Mori earlier this year, my most recent visit to the cinema was the final instalment of the J.K. Rowling epic (which was err… my first ever 3D experience in a cinema. Heh.). To play catch up a visit to play.com (and my usual film outlet [ahem]) was done yesterday, and included a purchase of Black Swan. I know a lot of people went to catch it for a particular reason, but I really want to see it for its cinematic brilliance and excellent acting. Yes, really. And in the same breath, a pre-order of Sucker Punch was made too. One thing that still irks me, though, is the dearth of 3D films made available as 3D blu-rays, that is not of the horror/shock genre. Like that James Cameron film – nak tunggu 4th release, is it?