It came in the mail on Saturday, and yet I’ve only seen Ep. IV thus far.

Of course, it’s gotta be IV – the prequels were already ‘cantik‘ from the get go. I did think initially it’ll be a waste of moolah getting the set, but with the promise of the deleted scenes I just couldn’t resist.

I was made aware of these scenes a long time ago, in a KL suburb far far away, when I was given a Star Wars Storybook (that’s how I learnt to draw R2-D2 with every single panel right!) for getting first place in my term tests in standard one. There were photos of Luke standing by a moisture vaporator and his droid looking to the skies with his macrobinoculars. Then there was the Marvel adaptation of the film illustrated by Howard Chaykin showing the same thing.

But I agree with the decision to omit the scenes – memang kacau flow!

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