saw déjà vu last night. didn’t read anything about it. went with some mates, collected our tix and sat with a litre of diet coke each. wasn’t expecting it to have a sci-fi slant. was thinking that it was supposed to have more of a paranormal edge to it. tony scott directed pulak tu. enjoyed it actually. it’s been a million years since i’ve been to the cineplex.

ok, i lied. i saw night at the museum last saturday. but prior to that, it’s been yonks. pirates of the caribbean 2 was the last one, methinks. and i pay ten quid a month for my cineworld unlimited card. i guess that’s my excuse for the recent muat turuns of wayang yang baru keluar DVD. hahaha. malas nak keluar rumah.

on the drive back home, one of my friends was asking what would’ve happen the moment one travels back in time. which made me kinda think.

say, you want to change the past at a certain point in time, which i shall call B. get that girl of your dreams from the clutches of that wanker from hell. study harder for that exam. whatever lah. so, at point C, you go back to point A. do whatever it takes to make a difference at point B. the outcome will then be different, as seen here:

so, at point B, you get the girl. you passed that exam. as you’ve made things change, i’m gonna call it point B1. so, by the time you reach point C, it’ll be different as well (getting hitched / that new job). like before, i’m gonna call it point C1.

what gets me, though, what happens to the universe the moment you left at point C. does it cease to exist? especially when you’ve made a difference at point B to create a new timeline. if anything after C exists, it’d mean there would be an infinite number of parralel timelines.

that’s not the only problem. by then, you’d realise why the hell you’d go back in time to sort your own self out. as there would now be two of you at point A onwards. which poses the next question, what would happen if you do meet your own self. a disruption of the space-time continuum of cataclysmic proportions?

i think i really need some sleep…

[the last time i dabbled in anything related to physics was in sixth form. apa lagi of the theoretical variety. okay, going to sleep now.]


after almost three years of writing on this blog, i finally found out how to say ‘stomach of chaos’ in nihon-go. arigato gozaimasu, norzu-kun!

on another note, congratulations to nasubi for completing final fantasy XII. damn, man!