I finally got some work started on the back garden. Probably garden is too kind a word for the mess it is. Then again, come spring the mess has its own surprises like this gorgeous iris:

And these red lilies:

Thanks to my next-door neighbour, some work commenced today by Tony, the neighbour’s brother-in-law, and within a day, most of the crap is now gone. Check it out!

What’s left is the ceathonus/California lilac, the iris, the lily and a pretty nice fern which sits nicely next to the stone wall. The ceathonus has been trimmed so as to allow people to actually walk/sit under it. The poor excuse for a garden pond is now gone. The rotted seating area has been pulled down and a new one will be made out of decking.

My task, should I wish to take it… well, I have to, I guess, is to go to the local nursery and find out what plants would suit the new garden. One thing I know is something simple and very low maintenance. Like my hydrangea – pretty hardy most of the year apart from winter when it just moults and rejuvenates itself come spring.

Watch this space!