the best thing on arriving home after a hard day at work is the content of my mailbox. it’s this dilapidated white wooden thing that’s barely hanging on the wall of my house. after a weekend away its common to come home to this small rectangular space crammed with junk mail and the latest issue of the british medical journal. but that ain’t it.

it’s the anticipation of receiving items that i purchased online. just today, i’ve received another kurosawa dvd. woo hoo! there’s still a gig ticket for G3 that i’m still expecting. can’t wait.

i’ve been an online shopping freak for the past three years when it comes to music cd’s and dvd’s. addictive doesn’t even describe it. i just can’t control the urge sometimes. everything’s cheaper than the stuff found in the high street shops. having the one-click shopping option on amazon doesn’t help control the urges, although i’ve never tried it. the nearest thing to a one-click system that i’m used to is buying cheap cd’s on play. damn. you just click on ‘confirm order’ and there you have it. i remembered when i first discovered the joys of internet shopping. i was buying band merchandise from the ‘states like there was no tomorrow. just like a kid in a candy store.

hopefully this other purchase will arrive by tomorrow. i am waiting eagerly with much fervour. (no, riki. it ain’t a 314ce, although i wish it was.) you’ll see it featured on this blog soon enough.

anyway, i’ve got some ayam goreng and nasi that needs to be dealt with imminently. now, that’s something i can’t order online.