well, raya is sebulan as they say. i had a little makan thingy and had a couple of friends over. it wasn’t much, but i was fixing stuff which i’ve never done before. the ghendang pedeh ayam (perak for rendang pedas… if you’re wondering) i’ve done it just the once in kl two years back. the one dish that was a gamble was the pulut kuning. the reason i had concerns was because i just didn’t believe you could kukus rice. well, you can. hehe.

Pulut, rendang pedas ayam and the delectable torte.

i also got some orange chiffon cake, as my late mama used to always buy one for raya. made some roti canai for the kids, who were enjoying a taste of totoro and toy story on the telly. sheikh and amy brought a cappuccino torte which was heavenly. nik brought his tummy which was filled amply prior to flying to brussels as i am writing this. hahahaha. kiddin’, mate.

enough to say, with all the santan in virtually every non-dessert dish, i feel ever so sleeeeeeepy… selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin to all.