i couldn’t believe i hadn’t moved sooner. then again, flickr wasn’t as fancy then as it is now. before i blogged, i had a fotopages.com account. it was fine initially, then the ads came. and despite promises of allowing users to modify their own page, i thought of moving to an alternative platform. i did think of smugmug but i wasn’t too keen on paying. since i’m paying for my domain for 無秩序の胃, i thought i’d just create a new photoblog site tagged to this blog, using pixelpost. IMAGES+WORDS was fine but there was a tedium to it (i am currently thinking of shutting that one down too).

i then revisited flickr as i needed to have an account to comment on photos of flickr-using friends, especially when yahoo and flickr are now one.

then i bit the bullet. sod it, just pay flickr and open a pro account. and these past few weeks was spent manually transferring archives into flickr, retaining the original set titles and choice comments. for the earlier 2004 entries which saw me using a lo-res format on the finepix f420, i dug up the original data and re-photoshopped them. hey, some of you think i have too much free time. i guess i do.

it was well worth the effort. take a look at the slideshow page above. and i have talked about the notes, tags and geotags yet.

i’ve a couple of sets left, but have a butcher’s. if you’re a fotopages.com user, you may just take my lead and do the same.


entry ini TIDAK SAMA SEKALI dibiayai oleh yahoo.com.