Mission 10 ドッジボール大作戦 Dojjibōru Daisakusen / The Great Dodgeball Plan

Chapter 15 from volume 3 of the manga, and surprisingly, short mission 4 (chapter 27.1 on the Shōnen Jump app) from volume 6 which I briefly mentioned on BuzzPOP’s bedah sesh for S1E3-6 a few weeks ago.

In the manga.

The anime adaptation.

Like E5, this delightful episode saw another successful effort of fleshing out the original material in chapter 15 with added scenes, coupled with the addition of the mini chapter from vol.5. Not surprisingly the director from E5 did this episode – Takahashi Kenji, while the writing was by Tanimura Daishirō. And if you think 6-year old Bill Watkin’s deep voice is ever so familiar, well, he is voiced by Yasumoto Hiroki, well known as the seiyuu for BLEACH’s Sado Yasutora!

No Stella!

Next week – Mission 11 ステラ Sutera / Stella on 18.6.22 and from the teaser snippet it does look like chapter 16 from volume 3 of the manga. Perhaps cour 1 will end on chapter 17 as anticipated then.

The script for the seiyuu?

And as for Anya next week – will she, or won’t she? Wakuwaku!